Introduction to Appium

What is Appium?

Appium is a Test Automation Framework which is used for automating mobile applications(Mobile Apps).

Appium supports Android , IOS mobile apps and Windows PC Desktop apps.We can automate Native , Hybrid and Mobile web apps using appium.

Native App

Native app is an app which belongs or developed for respective OS(Android,IOS and Windows etc) with those SDKs.This Native app can't be installed in cross platform such as Android App can't install in IOS.

Mobile Web App

Mobile web apps are the apps accessed using a mobile browser, For an example , Accessing facebook via chrome browser.

Appium supports Safari on iOS and Chrome or the any built-in 'Browser' app on Android.

Hybrid App

Hybrid apps have a wrapper around a "WebView" which is developed using web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript etc or other languages like Dart , that are then converted into a native app.

The process of creating an app with one technology and then converted into a respective native app is called hybrid app process.

Framework Tools like React Native , Flutter, Apache Cordova and Phonegap are used to build hybrid apps using web technologies or other technologies that are then converted into a native app.

What is FrameWork?

A program language that provides a set of ready made methods or functions which is used to do specific actions is known as framework.

Uses of Appium

  • Functional test cases of mobile applications can be easily automated.
  • Appium is open source and it is free of cost.
  • Appium contains ready made methods like users perform manual testing.
  • Appium supports Android , IOS and Windows et to run test scripts.
  • Appium supports languages such as Python, Java, Perl, PHP , C# and Ruby
  • Appium supports different operating systems such as Mac,Windows, Linux, UNIX, etc.