FrameWork Design Structure

Below is the framework structure which we normally follow in the TestAutomation framework.

There are totally 5 packages and 2 folders in the framework structure of TestAutomation.Let us discuss one by one now.

FrameWork Design Structure

Base Package

In this package we need to create two classes.

  • class
  • class class : In this class we will create a mobile driver method. class : In this class we will create all the customized methods which are required for automation like click , send_text , find_element() , find_elements() methods etc along with all the logs configuration as well.

Utilities Package

In this package will create a class for log4j configuration and report methods etc.

Pages Package

In this package we will create multiple classes based on App screens. Each .py class consists of MobileElement locator values of each screen.

In this way it's very easy to modify whenever they update or change the locatore value.

Configuration Package

In this package we will create configuration files which have values that pass in class etc.

Report Folder

In this folder we will store all the report files after executing our scripts.

Screenshots Folder

In this folder we will store all the screenshots for failed cases or any other screenshots which require verification.

Tests Packages

In this package we will create all the test files according to test cases along with file.

Steps to follow to build Appium FrameWork

  • Create the folder structure of the framework with all the packages and folders.
  • Configure the Pytest python libraries
  • Configure the allure reporting tool libraries
  • Create log4j custom class in utilities package
  • Create all the classes in the respective package folder as required.
  • Create the Pages classes and test file according to requirement.

Let us discuss one by one of all the classes in those packages.

FrameWork Design Structure