WebElement Properties

text property :

This property is used to fetch the text on a given WebElement.It doesn’t take any argument and it returns a string value.

ele = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME,"breadcrumb-item")

for menu in ele:

tag_name :

This method is used to get the tag name of a WebElement.It doesn’t take any argument, but it returns a string value.

element = driver.find_element(By.ID,"user_input")
print("Tag Name of id value 'user_name' :",element.tag_name)


This method is used to get attribute value for a given WebElement.It doesn’t take any argument and it returns string value.

element = driver.find_element(By.ID,"user_input")
print("text :",element.get_attribute('value'))

Attributes are Id, name ,value,class by using getAttribute() method you can fetch the value of those attributes.

size property:

This property is used to get the dimensions such as width and height for a given WebElement.It doesn’t take any argument and it returns the value of width and height of a webelement.

element = driver.find_element(By.ID,"user_input")
element_size = element.size
print("Size of element of id 'user_input'  :", element_size)

location property:

This property is used to find the location of WebElement in a current webpage.It doesn’t take any argument and it returns x y coordinates of webelement.

element = driver.find_element(By.ID,"user_input")
element_location = element.location
print("Location of the element on webpage : ", element_location)

value_of_css_property() method :

This method is used to find the css property value for a given WebElement. Css properties such as background-color, font-family,font-size etc.It takes string argument and it returns string value.

element = driver.find_element(By.ID,"user_input")
css_property = element.value_of_css_property("font-family")
print("CSS of : ",css_property)


from selenium import webdriver
import time

from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

driver = webdriver.Chrome("/Users/admin/Documents/Skill2Lead/Others/drivers/chromedriver.exe")


ele = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME,"breadcrumb-item")

for menu in ele:

element = driver.find_element(By.ID,"user_input")


print("text :",element.get_attribute('value'))
print("Tag Name of id value 'user_name' :",element.tag_name)

element_size = element.size
print("Size of element of id 'user_input'  :", element_size)

element_location = element.location
print("Location of the element on webpage : ", element_location)

css_property = element.value_of_css_property("font-family")
print("CSS of : ",css_property)
