Tags in Behave

Below are the concepts which we are going to see in this.

  • How to add the tags?
  • To which we need to add the tags?
  • How to execute the script by using the tags.

How to add tags?

By using the ‘@’ symbol along with any string name we can add the tags in the feature file.


To which we need to add the tags?

We can add the tags to the Feature line or Scenario line according to our requirement in the feature file.

We can add multiple tags at the same time.

1. In the Below feature file we have created four scenarios and we have decorated with the tags such as @profile , @login , @logout , @pages , @feeds and @groups.

2. We have defined step definitions for those feature files in steps package.


# This is a Feature file

Feature: SocialNetwork Webpage Tests

    @profile @login @logout
    Scenario: Profile related cases

        Given Launch the profile page
        When Change profile pic
        Then Verify profile pic

    @feed @login
    Scenario: Feeds related cases

        Given Launch the feed page
        When publish the feed
        Then Verify feed

    Scenario: Pages related cases

        Given Launch the page
        When update the page data
        Then Verify page

    @group @profile
    Scenario: Group related cases

        Given Launch the group
        When update the group details
        Then Verify group


from behave import given, when, then

@given("Launch the feed page")
def methodOne(context):
    print("L1 - Launching the feed page")

@when("publish the feed")
def methodTwo(context):
    print("L2 - published the feed")

@then("Verify feed")
def methodSix(context):
    print("L3 - verified feed ")


from behave import given, when, then

@given("Launch the group")
def methodOne(context):
    print("L1 - Launching the group")

@when("update the group details")
def methodTwo(context):
    print("L2 - published the group")

@then("Verify group")
def methodSix(context):
    print("L3 - verified group ")


from behave import given, when, then

@given("Launch the page")
def methodOne(context):
    print("L1 - Launching the  page")

@when("update the page data")
def methodTwo(context):
    print("L2 - updated the page")

@then("Verify page")
def methodSix(context):
    print("L3 - verified page")


from behave import given, when, then

@given("Launch the profile page")
def methodOne(context):
    print("L1 - Launching the feed page")

@when("Change profile pic")
def methodTwo(context):
    print("L2 - published the feed")

@then("Verify profile pic")
def methodSix(context):
    print("L3 - verified feed ")