Global Value in Behave

A Variable which can be accessed throughout the program in the same file is known as Global value.

In Behave we can achieve this by using context attribute.

After passing the value as a parameter,Now we need to create a variable along with the term “context” attribute and append the parameter name to it.

context.eid = emailid

Now, The name “context.eid” can be used across the program as required.


# This is a Feature file

Feature: Fill the Contact Form

    Scenario: User Login credentials

        Given Launch the App and Click on Login Button
        When Enter "" UserID
        When Enter '12345' password
        When click on Login Button
        And Home page opens
        Then Verify Home Screen
        Then Take screenshot

from behave import given, when, then

@given("Launch the App and Click on Login Button")
def methodOne(context):
    print("L1 - Launching the App")

@when("Enter {emailid} UserID")
def methodTwo(context,emailid):
    context.eid = emailid
    print("L2 - Enter the UserID in Login Screen {} ".format(emailid))

@when("Enter {pasw} password")
def methodThree(context,pasw):
    print("L3 - Enter the Password {} in Login Screen".format(pasw))

@when("Click on Login Button")
def methodFour(context):
    print("L4 - Clicked on the login Button")

@when("Home page opens")
def methodFour(context):
    print("L5 - Home Page opened {}".format(context.eid))

@then("Verify Home Screen")
def methodFive(context):
    print("L6 - Home Screen Opened")

@then("Take Screenshot")
def methodSix(context):
    print("L7 - ScreenShot taken")